Alone but Not Alone by Thomas L.


Meet the artist: Thomas L.


Personal Growth: Exhibiting personal growth through art

1. The skies may be windy and cold but we press on to greater things even when the seasons change.

2. Sometimes we find ourselves alone in tough times. This is what the tree represents. It is, however, still surviving and well-rooted, strong to make it through to better days.

3. The bright colors used represent hope. My hope is my faith in Christ that guides me every day and helps me carry on.

What role does art play in your life?

I love to create a world that sometimes doesn't exist quite the way you see it with the naked eye. I intentionally use brighter colors that are vivid and walkes a normal painting up to the viewer. Art allows me to express the way I would like things to be. A bit brighter, a bit more peaceful, with a whole lot of hope.

Artist statement:

Thank you for taking some time out to experience the art work of those that are incarcerated. I hope that as you walk the gallery, it will take you on a journey that is unexpected and introspective.

Those of us on the inside still have many positive things to offer society and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share a little hope through my art.

My art is influenced greatly by my walk with God. He created many beautiful things and I love to paint things the way I see them with just a little more color. The added color represents hope. Hope for the now and even more hope for the future.

Be blessed.